MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - 30-11 to 02-12


10 Alternating Unweighted Step Ups
10 Bent Over Rows
10 Alternating Unweighted Step Ups
10 Overhead Press 

Rest 1 minute between Rounds
Score: Total Time 


20 Weighted Step Up Overs
20 Bent Over Rows
20 Weighted Step Up Overs
20 Overhead Press (10 each side) 
Rest 2 minute between Rounds
Score: Total Time 
Step up and over to the other side of your box or chair. Sub for step ups or lunges. WOD 1 unweighted, WOD 2 weighted with KB’s or DB’s in each hand. Keep your shoulders down abs weights by your hips. 

For the bent over rows, hold a DB or KB in each hand and hinge forward at the hips until your torso is 10-15° above horizontal. Make sure your shoulders are drawn away from ears, lats and belly are tight and back is flat with knees slightly bent. 

Extend your arms toward the floor. Draw your elbows up toward the ceiling, keeping them close to your body. Bring the DB/KB’s to the front side of your ribcage. Lower the weight back down and repeat for 10 reps for WOD 1 and 20 reps for WOD 2. 

Set up for the overhead press with the DB’s/KB’s on the shoulders or In rack position. Keep the rib cage down and belly tight. WOD 1 Press a single KB each each side or doubles for 10 reps each round. WOD 2 Press one dumbbell or kettlebell straight up until your elbow is locked out with bicep by the ears. Bring the dumbbell or kettlebell all the way down to the shoulder then press with the other arm. Each time you press is one rep so 20 reps is 10 on each arm.


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