SATURDAY 23-05-20


15 Min AMRAP (As many rounds and reps as possible) 

20 Double Handed Swings 

10 Jumping Lunges 

10 Figure of 8’s

20 Off the Bell Burpees 


Score: Rounds and Reps 


Double Handed Swings as taught by coach. 

Jumping Lunges - make sure your back knee lightly touches the floor on each rep. 

Figure of 8’s, keep your chest high and your head neutral, bending your knees and keeping your butt tight pass the KB through your legs in a figure of 8 for 10 repetitions. 

Off the bell burpees, place your hands on the handle of the bell jump or step your feet back, perform a press up keeping your body straight and tight, no sagging, lock out in the top of the press up, jump or step your feet back in, release the handle of the bell to stand/jump and clap above your head, repeat for 20 repetitions.  



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