THURSDAY - 24-09-20

8 Rounds

7 KB Hang Clean
7 Overhead Press
7 KB Jump Overs (Facing) Burpees 


Doubles, singles or barbells for the cleans and press’ up to you! 

For the KB hang clean you hold the KB’s at your hips.  Do a small dip - jump and shrug the shoulders then pull the KB’s/BB up to the shoulders.  The idea is to think about jumping and then pulling/guiding the KB!/ BB to your rack. 

For the overhead press use Doubles, starting in rack position.  Focus on keeping the rib cage down as you to press. Press the KB’s until they are completely locked out overhead with your biceps finishing by your ears! Then bring the KB’s back to rack position each time.

For the KB hop over you will stand facing the KB and jump over it. Then you will turn around complete a burpee then jump back over the KB and repeat on the other side.  For the burpees - jump or step back the feet perform a push up and then jump or step back in and spring back up into a jump with a clap above your head. Ensure your chest and thighs hit the floor on each rep. 


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