10 Min AMRAP (As many rounds and reps as possible)
10 Jump Overs (facing)
10 Overhead Press
Score: Total Rounds and Reps
For the jump overs start with your feet hip width apart facing the bell (or DB or line) and jump over landing on both feet and a bend in your knees on the other side. Turn to face the bell again and rep for 10 reps each round.
For the overhead press using a single or double KB’s (bar or dumbbells(s)) start as strict press and hold on as long as you can before moving to push press. If using a single bell complete 5/R & 5/L each round.
11 rounds + 3 jumps
24kg 9 rounds and 7 jump overs
Karen 11 rounds 3 jumps
Jake 11 rounds 10 jumps & 1 press
Kadie 9 rounds & 10 jumps
Leigh 10 rounds & 9 jumps