FRIDAY - 26-06-20


30 secs taps

30 secs Snatch (R) 

30 secs Snatch (L) 


Score: Snatch Reps 

For this WOD you will start the clock and complete 30 seconds of taps and then the next 30 seconds of Snatch with your right arm and the following 30 seconds of Snatch with your left arm. Repeat this for 7 Rounds. 

You can change up the taps against the KB for low step ups, Row, Bike or Jog if you fancy! 


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  • pnUJqvSLIlAR on


  • FkXiCygbwf on


  • Karen Masson on

    163 snatch

  • Razer on

    145 snatch

  • Rob Smart on

    24kg 174 reps 💥🔥🥵🤣

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