MONDAY - 26-10-20


12 KB Swings
8 Push Ups
12 Alternating Lunges
Score: Total Time 
KB Swings... you know the drill.
Push ups from the toes or from the knees or from a box, bench or wall. Focus on keeping a straight body position and avoid snaking or sagging hips. Touch the chest and thighs to the ground at the bottom of each rep and come to a complete lock out in the top position.

The lunges can be forward stepping, reverse stepping, or walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step each time that your front heel stays down, with your knee out, when the back knee lightly touches (or comes close). Keep your chest up and drive through your heel to stand completely between reps.  Lunge with your right leg and then your left so that you complete 6 each side for each round.


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