SATURDAY - 18-07-20

18 Min AMRAP - (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible)

12 Snatch

16 Air Squats

12 Snatch

16 Burpees

Score: Total Rounds and Reps 

For this WOD you will complete 12 Snatch, 16 Air Squats, 12 Snatch, 16 Burpees as many times as you can in 18 Minutes. 



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  • xQqbDpJOvGEXNrI on


  • aktHjhUoibTzqB on


  • Carol Forbes on

    Coach 6 full rounds plus 6 snatch
    Carol 5 full rounds plus 10 burpees

  • Sandra on

    6 + 8 squats

  • lUfOXceSuoLiTqJ on


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