SATURDAY- 20-06-20


15 Russian KB Swings

12 Burpee Jump Overs

9 V-Ups


Score: Total Time

For this WOD you will complete6 rounds of 15 KB swings, 12 Burpee (KB) Jump Overs and 9 V-Ups.

Russian KB Swings as taught by Coach.

Burpee Jump Overs, perform a burpee but stepping or jumping the feet back, lowering your body to the floor making sure your thighs and chest touch the floor for each rep before stepping or jumping your feet back in towards your body and then standing, jump over the KB and perform a burpee on the other side of the bell.   You can jump facing the bell or side on.

V-Ups, lying flat on your back with your hands back and straight out above your head touching the floor, bring your legs up as straight as you can at the same time rising up to meet them and touching your hands to your toes / shins and returning to flat before starting the next rep. Keep your lower back pressed into the floor as you can.



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  • Sandra on


  • Carol Forbes on

    Replaced burpees jump overs with 20 jumping burpees off the step….still dizzy with my lugs 🤪

  • YMTrSGDULIz on


  • xPNDyTuYnjIkrVSt on


  • Rob Smart on

    Rob 12:07
    Clare 13:32

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