30 secs Taps
30 secs Air Squats
30 secs KB Swings
30 sec Rest
Score: Total reps of Swings and Squats - (Or just record your swings for GKB April Challenge!)
Accessory Work BEFORE the WOD.
Overhead Squat - 15 MINS to establish 2 Rep Max (warm up first and then start the clock when you are ready to load weight to your bar.
Then, Front Squat - 6 MIN EMOM x 4 Front Squats (Every Minute on the Minute)
Pick a heavy Weight. You will do 4 front squats every minute on the minute for 6 Minutes.
Pause Bench Press (6 sets of 5 reps)
3 Second Pause at the bottom of your bench press (Or Floor Press)
Keeping your hands just outside your shoulders and pressing your butt into the bench or floors throughout the lift. Lower the BB/DB’s/KB’s to the chest under control, keeping your elbows in. Hold for 3 seconds and then press to lockout at the top.
Then 10 MIN EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)
Odd Mins: Max Reps Deficit Push Ups
Even Mins: Max Power Cleans (Choose a Weight you can get 10 or so in the minute in singles. No touch and go!
32 MIN EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute for 32 Minutes)
Min 1 - 12 Around the Worlds
Min 2 - Rest
Min 3 - 12 Pull Over
Min 4- Rest
Min 5 - 15 High Close Grip Front Raise
Min 6 - Rest
Min 7 - 15 Pec Fly
Min 8 - Rest
Start the clock and repeat this for 32 mins.
* Pull overs - lie on a bench or the floor and hold DB / BB / KB above your chest with a small bend at you elbows and bring the weight over your head and down behind your crown working your triceps then raise them back to over your chest to finish the rep - ensure your ribs are pulled down and your lower back is pressed to the bench or floor throughout.
*Front Raises, hold the DB’s / BB in front of you with your palms facing down. This time when you raise the DB’s out in front of you, keep raising them until they are all the way overhead, keep a slight bend in your elbows throughout.
*Pec Flys, lie on a bench or floor with your arms extended straight up into the air with a small bend in your elbows. Keep your ribs drawn down toward your hips to avoid overarching your back as you lower the DBS out to the sides. They should be at the height of and inline with your shoulders. Squeeze your inner pecs together to raise your arms back up into the air.