THURSDAY - 16-07-20

10 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible) 
10 Weighted Step Ups (alternating)
8 Upright Rows
Score: Total Rounds and Reps 
For the step ups you can hold a weight in each hand.  Put your whole foot on whatever you are stepping on.  Make sure you don't allow your knee to cave in.  Press up off your heel and stand up completely.  Lower to the ground and switch feet.  For each round you will do 10 reps alternating so that ends up being 5 per side.
For the upright row begin with both hands on the KB or DB’s with your arms locked out straight, lead with the elbows and bring the KB / DB’s up to just below your chin so your elbows finish up around the height of your ears. Lower back down slow and controlled to the starting position.

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    12 rounds step ups 20kg rows 12kg

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