As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible
14 KB Swings
7 Push Up + Taps
Score: Total Rounds and reps completed in 10 Mins.
For the push ups + taps you can do regular push ups, knee push ups, or elevated push ups.
Make sure your elbows go back and that your hands are just wider than your shoulders. Keep your belly tight and avoid any snaking. Go all of the way down to touch your chest at the bottom and come all of the way up at the top.
Once you are at the top of your push up, you will bring your right hand to your left shoulder, then take your left hand to touch your right shoulder. Try to not let your hips rotate or allow your butt to pop up when you lift your hand up.
The Push Up + Taps is 1 push up + tap right shoulder + tap left shoulder = 1 rep.