TUESDAY 21-04-20


100 Burpees FOR TIME

Must be completed in 1 Min on - 1 Min off

Time Cap: 20 mins

Complete as many burpees as you can in the first minute, note your total. Rest the next minute and then complete as many burpees as you can in the next minute. As you total up your Burpees and reach 100 - that is your score: TIME.

Burpee Sub:

No push up burpee to the floor/box/bench by just stepping back or jumping back and then stepping or jumping your feet back in with a small jump.


100 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Must be completed in 1 Min on - 1 Min off

Time Cap: 20 mins

You should look to get at least 8-10 in one minute.

For the burpee box jump overs you can either:

Complete a burpee, jump onto the box and then step or jump off the other side.  You can step up onto the box then step or jump off the other side.  You can jump all the way over the box with each rep if you want.

OR - if you don't have a box at all, just find something to jump OVER.  (a sweeping brush across some chairs, a bench.. whatever.)


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