TUESDAY - 09-06-20



KB Swings 

Air Squats 

Push Ups



KB Swings 

Air Squats 

Push Ups


Score: Total Time 

Part 1: you will perform 21 reps of each movement before moving onto 15 reps of each and finally 9 reps of each. 

You will rest 5 Minutes and then move to: 

Part 2: you will perform 15 reps of each movement before moving into 12 reps of each and finally 9 reps of each.


KB Swings as taught by Coach.

Air Squats - starting with your feet shoulder width apart. Ensure you keep your chest high and your heels digging into the ground, move your butt back and down until your butt is lower then your knees, avoid collapsing at the bottom, drive up from the bottom position and stand fully.

For the Push Ups, keep your body rigid, with your shoulders above or beyond your wrists and hands just wider than shoulders width. Squeeze your butt, thighs and belly, no sagging or snaking hips!



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  • Karen Masson on

    Karen 11:36
    Jake 10:04
    Kadie 11:35
    Leigh 11:34

  • Darren Cochrane on


  • Sandra on


  • STeph on

    11.41 including 5min break (3.37,5, 3.04)

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