WENDENSDAY - 05-08-20

12 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible)

1 Push Up + Tap + Tap

7 KB Jump Overs

2 Push Up + Tap + Tap

7 KB Jump Overs

3  Push Up + Tap + Tap

7 KB Jump Overs

4 Push Up + Tap + Tap

7 KB Jump Overs

5  Push Up + Tap + Tap

And so on until the clock hits 12:00.

Score: Total Push Up + Tap + Tap

For the Push Up + Tap + Tap.  Perform a push up focusing on keeping your elbows in and the belly tight - avoiding sagging or snaking.  Then you will bring your left hand up to touch your right shoulder, then your right hand up to touch the left shoulder.  

For the jump overs, stand next to the KB and jump laterally over it, 2 feel hopping and landing together then jump back. Each jump over is one rep.


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