8point5 Training

THURSDAY - 09-07-20

14 Min EMOM(Every Minute on the Minute for 14 Minutes)Min 1: 4 Heavy Deadlifts + Max Bodyweight LungesMin 2: 4 Heavy Deadlifts + Max Push Up + Tap + Tap Score: Weight for Deadlift and Total reps of Lunges and Push Up + Tap + Tap. Using a heavy Kettlebell or Barbell, starting with the bell between your feet, hinge at the hips so your chest is over the bell.  Keep your heels down and bend the knees, pull your chest up keeping your arms straight and long.  Dig your heels into the ground and squeeze your butt keeping your arms...

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WEDNESDAY - 08-07-20

METCON FOR TIME 6 Rounds1 Min Row, Bike, Low Step Up, Taps or Single Unders15 KB Swings Or  12 Min AMRAP(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible)7 Sit Up7 Air Squat7 Jump Overs / Step Ups Sit Ups - Start with the soles of your feet together. Your upper back and shoulders should be on the ground. Your hands should touch the ground behind your head. Flex your abdominals and pull your torso up to a seated position. During the ascent, reach your arms forward. To complete the movement, stack your shoulders over your hips and extend your spine and touch your...

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TUESDAY - 07-07-20

6 Min AMRAP(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible)20 Single Unders / Taps8 Goblet SquatsRest 2 MinsThen6 Min AMRAP(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible) 20 Single Unders / Taps8 Overhead Press  Score: Total Number of Reps and Rounds from both AMRAP’s combined!  Single Skips or Taps. Taps can be against a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Plate, Skirting.. jogging on spot ensure your toe touches the object in an alternating fashion.   For the Goblet Squat hold the weight at your chest.  Feet shoulder width apart with the heels down.  Lift your chest and tighten your belly.  Reach your butt back and down.  Keep...

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MONDAY - 06-07-20

15 Minute AMRAP(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible)1 Min Taps12 KB Deadlifts8 Push Up + Tap + TapScore: Rounds + Reps Taps can be against a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Plate, Skirting.. jogging on spot ensure your toe touches the object in an alternating fashion. Using a heavy Kettlebell or 2 lighter Dumbbells, starting with the bell between your feet, hinge at the hips so your chest is over the bell.  Keep your heels down and bend the knees, pull your chest up keeping your arms straight and long.  Dig your heels into the ground and squeeze your butt keeping your...

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SATURDAY - 04-07-20

FOR TIME 1 Burpee + 10 Thrusters 3 Burpees + 6 Thrusters 5 Burpees + 5 Thrusters 6 Burpees + 3 Thrusters 10 Burpees + 1 Thruster Score: Total Time For the burpees - jump or step back the feet perform a push up and then jump or step back in and spring back up into a jump with a clap above your head. Ensure your chest and thighs hit the floor on each rep. For the Thruster rack two KB's or the Barbell. Drop into a squat, then push up and press the weights straight overhead until your arms...

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