8point5 Training
SATURDAY - 27-06-20
20 MIN EMOM 45 secs on - 15 secs rest Push Press Shoulder Taps Over Head Lunge Dips 1 Minute Rest Score: Log as completed! For this WOD you will start the clock and cycle through the movements for 20 mins. (4 Rounds) 45 secs movement and 15 secs rest. Minute 1 - 45 secs Push Press, either double or single KB hand switch as required. Rest 15 secs. Minute 2 - 45 secs Shoulder Taps - in High plank position take your right hand off the ground and tap your left shoulder, replace your right hand to the...
FRIDAY - 26-06-20
7 ROUNDS 30 secs taps 30 secs Snatch (R) 30 secs Snatch (L) Score: Snatch Reps For this WOD you will start the clock and complete 30 seconds of taps and then the next 30 seconds of Snatch with your right arm and the following 30 seconds of Snatch with your left arm. Repeat this for 7 Rounds. You can change up the taps against the KB for low step ups, Row, Bike or Jog if you fancy! ENJOY!
THURSDAY - 25-06-20
15 MIN AMRAP(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible)6 Goblet Squats6 Shoulder Press6 Burpees6 Bent Over Rows Score: Rounds and Reps in 15 Minutes For the Goblet Squat hold the weight at your chest. Feet shoulder width apart with the heels down. Lift your chest and tighten your belly. Reach your butt back and down. Keep your heels down as you drive your knees out. Ideally you will get your butt lower than your knees at the bottom with heels down, knees out, and chest up! Drive through your heels to stand! Shoulder Press, single bell, 5 each side. Doubles...
WEDNESDAY - 24-06-20
Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes 6 Burpees 10 Jumping Lunges 12 KB Swings Sit ups in remaining time! Score: Total Sit ups For this WOD you will start the clock and complete 6 Burpees, 10 Jumping Lunges and 12 KB swings and then sit ups until the clock hits 2:00 complete this cycle every 2 mins for 10 mins. Burpees - jump or step back the feet perform a push up and then jump or step back in and spring back up into a jump with a clap above your head. Ensure your chest and thighs hit...
TUESDAY - 23-06-20
25 Min AMRAP (As many rounds and reps as possible) 10 Devil Press20 Air Squats30 Dumbbell Hop Overs A devil press is basically a burpee with dumbbells in your hands. You do a push up with your hands on the dumbbells, jump or step your feet in. Pick the dumbbells up from between your feet with your heels down and arms straight (keep your back flat!!). Use the power from your legs and the hips to basically complete a combination KB Swing - clean and jerk - snatch.The movement finishes with the elbows locked out with biceps beside your ears....