8point5 Training
WEDNESDAY - 22-07-20
5 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible) 3 Burpees 6 Snatch (3 Left and 3 Right) 10 KB Hop Overs **Rest 3 Mins** 5 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible) 3 Burpees 6 Snatch (3 Left and 3 Right) 10 KB Hop Overs Score: Total Rounds and Reps from both AMRAP's. For this WOD you will start the clock and complete as many rounds and reps as you can in 5 Mins of 3 Burpees, 6 Snatch (3xL & 3xR) and 10 KB Hop Overs. You will then rest 3 minutes and repeat again...
TUESDAY 21-07-20
4 ROUNDS FOR TIME 20 Push Up + Tap +Tap 25 KB Swings Score: Total Time For this WOD you will complete 20 Push Up + Tap + Tap and 25 KB Swings for 4 Rounds. Each Push Up + Tap + Tap = 1 Rep. For the Push Up + Tap + Tap. Perform a push up focusing on keeping your elbows in and the belly tight - avoiding sagging or snaking. Then you will bring your left hand up to touch your right shoulder, then your right hand up to touch the left shoulder. Kettlebell Swings. ENJOY!
MONDAY - 20-07-20
12 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible) 10 KB Deadlifts 20 Alternating Unweighted Step Ups Score: Total Rounds and Reps For this WOD you will complete 10 Deadlifts the 20 Alternating Unweighted Step Ups as many times as you can in 12 Minutes. Using a heavy Kettlebell or 2 lighter Dumbbells or the Barbell perform 10 deadlifts starting with the bell between your feet, hinge at the hips so your chest is over the bell. Keep your heels down and bend the knees, pull your chest up keeping your arms straight and long. Dig your heels into...
SATURDAY - 18-07-20
18 Min AMRAP - (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible) 12 Snatch 16 Air Squats 12 Snatch 16 Burpees Score: Total Rounds and Reps For this WOD you will complete 12 Snatch, 16 Air Squats, 12 Snatch, 16 Burpees as many times as you can in 18 Minutes. ENJOY!
FRIDAY - 17-07-20
3 ROUNDS 1 Min Push Ups Rest 20 secs 1 Min Burpees Rest 20 secs 1 Min Plank Rest 20 Secs Score: Total Push Ups and Burpees For this WOD you will complete 1 Minute of Push Ups, rest 20 secs, 1 Minute of Burpees, rest 20 secs 1 min of Plank, rest 20 secs and then repeat another twice for a total or 3 Rounds. For the Push Ups, keep your body rigid, with your shoulders above or beyond your wrists and hands just wider than shoulders width. Squeeze your butt, thighs and belly, no sagging or snaking hips!...