8point5 Training

MONDAY - 16-11-20

15 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Min)20 Alternating Lunges20 Hop Overs or Single Unders10 Push Ups20 Hop Overs or Single Unders Score: Total Rounds and Reps  The lunges can be forward stepping, reverse stepping, or walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step each time that your front heel stays down, with your knee out, when the back knee lightly touches (or comes close). Keep your chest up and drive through your heel to stand completely between reps.  Lunge with your right leg and then your left so that you complete 10...

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THURSDAY - 12-11-20

4 ROUNDSEach Round is a 3 Min AMRAP(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 3 Min)20 Single Unders, Hop Overs or Taps5 Snatch (Right)5 Snatch (Left)7 Goblet Squats Rest 1 Min Between Each 3 Min AMRAP. Score: Total Rounds from all 4 AMRAPS + any additional Reps  For the single unders, you will do 20 per round! You can change these to hops over, or taps.  Snatch, 5 right and 5 left.  For the Goblet Squat you will hold the KB at your chest.  Feet shoulder width apart with your heels down.  Lift your chest and tighten your belly.  Reach...

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MONDAY - 09-11-20

10 MIN AMRAP As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible14 KB Swings7 Push Up + Taps Score: Total Rounds and reps completed in 10 Mins.For the push ups + taps you can do regular push ups, knee push ups, or elevated push ups. Make sure your elbows go back and that your hands are just wider than your shoulders. Keep your belly tight and avoid any snaking.  Go all of the way down to touch your chest at the bottom and come all of the way up at the top.Once you are at the top of your push up, you will bring...

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WEEKEND WOD - 06-11-20 to 08-11-20

5 ROUNDS  8 Devil Press20 DB Hop Overs20 Alternating Single Arm Bent Over Rows Rest 1 Min 8 Devil Press20 DB Hop Overs30 Alternating Hammer Curls Rest 1 Min One round includes both the bent over rows and the hammer curls. Devil Press is basically a burpee with a DB or KB in each hand, perform a burpee and on the way up clean the weights and press them above your head before going into the next rep.  For the single arm bent over rows, hold a DB or KB in each hand and hinge forward at the hips until...

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MONDAY - 02-11-20

2 ROUNDS FOR QUALITY 40 secs on / 20 secs off on each exercise Flutter Kicks Planche Press Tap Crunches Floor Thrusters with Push-Up Hollow to Arch Roll Score: Complete 2 Rounds of the above exercises, focus on quality of reps this time. Flutter Kicks, Lie on your back in the Hollow Body position with your arms extended over your head. Keep your back flat against the floor and flutter your feet while maintaining the Hollow Body position. Sub: Bring your arms down to the ground on either side of your legs.  Planche Press, starting in the push-up position keeping your...

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