8point5 Training
THURSDAY - 04-06-20
4 ROUNDS 1 Min Max Upright Rows 1 Min Push Ups 1 Min KB Swings 1 Min Squats Score: Total Reps Completed for entire WOD. For the upright row begin with both hands on the KB or DB’s with your arms locked out straight, lead with the elbows and bring the KB / DB’s up to just below your chin so your elbows finish up around the height of your ears. Lower back down slow and controlled to the starting position. Push ups can be performed from the toes, from the knees or elevated from a surface, counter top,...
WEDENSDAY - 03-06-20
3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 21 Goblet Squats 14 Hand Release Push Ups 7 Deadlifts **REST 5 MINS** 21-15-9 Snatch Bent Over Rows **REST 5 MINS** 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 50 Single Skips or 25 Double Unders 10 Burpees Score: Total Time including rest. Part1: 3 Rounds for Time Ensure you keep your chest up in the goblet squats and don’t curl your back. With your feet shoulder width apart keeping your heels digging into the ground and your belly tight bring your butt back and down while driving your knees out. Try to reach depth that your butt is...
TUESDAY - 02-06-20
10 ROUNDS FOR TIME 12 Alternating Unweighted Lunges or Step Ups6 Overhead PressScore: Total Time The lunges should be unweighted and alternating. This means you end up doing 6 per leg per round. These may be forward stepping, reverse stepping, or walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step each time that the front heel stays down, with your knee out, when your back knee lightly touches (or comes close). Keep your chest up and drive through your heel to stand completely between reps.If unable to lunge you could swap for step ups.For the overhead press you can...
MONDAY 01-06-20
3 ROUNDS for TIME 1 Min Taps 20 Burpees **REST 5 MINS** 21-15-9 Snatch Tuck Jumps **REST 5 MINS** 3 ROUNDS for TIME 20 Goblet Squats 20 KB Bent Over Rows Score: Individual time for each WOD. You will complete each WOD one after another with 5 mins rest in between. First WOD is 3 Rounds of 1 Min Taps (You can change these out for 1 min of Skipping or low step ups) Then 20 burpees, for the burpees - jump or step back the feet perform a push up and then jump or step back in...
SATURDAY - 30-05-20
4 ROUNDS FOR TIME 30 KB Swing 12 KB Push Press 15 Air Squats Cash Out: 29 Burpees KB swings as taught by coach. Push Press, rack the KB’s. Feet positioned between hip and shoulder width apart. Chest up. Belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip. Chest stays lifted. Stand up fast. As the KB’s pop up, press straight up to lock out finishing with your biceps by your ear. Return to rack position to begin the next rep. Air Squats - starting with your feet shoulder width apart. Ensure you keep your...