8point5 Training

TUESDAY - 16-06-20

12 MIN AMRAP 10 Alternating Reverse Lunges 10 American KB Swings 10 Alternating Reverse Lunges 10 Over Head Press   Score: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Minutes. The lunges should be unweighted and alternating. This means you end up doing 5 per leg per set. These should be reverse stepping. Make sure you take a long enough step each time that the front heel stays down, with your knee out, when your back knee lightly touches (or comes close).  Keep your chest up and drive through your heel to stand completely between reps. Sub: If unable...

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MONDAY 15-06-20

4 ROUNDS FOR TIME  80 Single Skips / Taps 20 KB Jump Overs 15 Sit ups 10 Push Ups  Score: Total Time Single skips or taps against the KB.  For the jump overs start with your feet hip width apart facing the bell (or DB or line) and jump over landing on both feet and a bend in your knees on the other side. Turn to face the bell again and rep for 20 reps each round. Sit Ups - Start with the soles of your feet together. Your upper back and shoulders should be on the ground. Your hands should...

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SATURDAY 13-06-20

ROB’S WOD Buy In: 200 single skips or toe taps  12 MIN AMRAP  12 American Kettlebell Swings  12 V-Sit ups  12 Sumo deadlift high pulls  12 Ski Jump Over the KB  Buy Out: 20 Burpees    Score: Total rounds and reps in 12 Minutes  For this WOD you will complete 200 single skips or toe taps and then start the clock and cycle through 12 reps of each of these movements for 12 minutes counting completed rounds + additional reps.  When the clock hits 12:00 your buy out is 20 Burpees. AMERICAN KB SWING (12 reps) Hold the KB in...

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FRIDAY 12-06-20

5 MIN AMRAP 12 Jump Overs  12 Deadlifts  9 Burpees **Rest 2:30** 5 MIN AMRAP  12 Long Cycle (6/R then 6/L) 24 Double Unders or 48 Single Skips or Taps  PART 1: For the jump overs start with your feet hip width apart facing the bell (or DB or line) and jump over landing on both feet and a bend in your knees on the other side. Turn to face the bell again and rep for 10 reps each round. Using a heavy Kettlebell or 2 lighter Dumbbells perform 7 deadlifts starting with the bell between your feet, hinge at...

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THURSDAY 11-06-20

5 ROUNDS FOR TIME  15 KB Swings  15 Burpees    Score: Total Time   Quick finisher for Coach’s LOGIE LOCKDOWN WEEK 11 WK 2.  KB Swings as taught by coach.  For the burpees - jump or step back the feet perform a push up and then jump or step back in and spring back up into a jump with a clap above your head. Ensure your chest and thighs hit the floor on each rep.   ENJOY! 

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