8point5 Training

WEDNESDAY - 10-06-20

10 Min AMRAP (As many rounds and reps as possible)  10 Jump Overs (facing)  10 Overhead Press Score: Total Rounds and Reps    For the jump overs start with your feet hip width apart facing the bell (or DB or line) and jump over landing on both feet and a bend in your knees on the other side. Turn to face the bell again and rep for 10 reps each round. For the overhead press using a single or double KB’s (bar or dumbbells(s)) start as strict press and hold on as long as you can before moving to push...

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TUESDAY - 09-06-20

METCON FOR TIME  21-15-9  KB Swings  Air Squats  Push Ups **REST 5 MINS** 15-12-9  KB Swings  Air Squats  Push Ups   Score: Total Time  Part 1: you will perform 21 reps of each movement before moving onto 15 reps of each and finally 9 reps of each.  You will rest 5 Minutes and then move to:  Part 2: you will perform 15 reps of each movement before moving into 12 reps of each and finally 9 reps of each.   KB Swings as taught by Coach. Air Squats - starting with your feet shoulder width apart. Ensure you keep your chest...

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MONDAY - 08-06-20

METCON FOR TIME 6 ROUNDS6 BURPEES12 DEADLIFTS18 SNATCH (9/R + 9/L) Score: Total Time For the burpees - jump or step back the feet perform a push up and then jump or step back in and spring back up into a jump with a clap above your head. Ensure your chest and thighs hit the floor on each rep. For the deadlifts you will either have a single KB between the feet or a barbell.  Make sure your knees are bent, your chest is up, arms are straight, and heels are down in the set up. Lift your chest and...

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KAREN’S BIRTHDAY WOD FOR TIME Buy In: 38 Burpees  6 ROUNDS  6 Jerk  6 Goblet Squat  6 Snatch  6 Bent Over Row  6 KB Swings  Buy Out: 19 Lunges  82 High Knees  Wishing you a very happy birthday Karen!  ENJOY!       

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FRIDAY - 05-06-20

12 Min AMRAP10 Air Squats10 Sit Ups 10 Low Jump Overs (Facing)  Score: Total rounds and reps in 12 Mins    Air Squats - starting with your feet shoulder width apart. Ensure you keep your chest high and your heels digging into the ground, move your butt back and down until your butt is lower then your knees, avoid collapsing at the bottom, drive up from the bottom position and stand fully. Sit Ups - Start with the soles of your feet together. Your upper back and shoulders should be on the ground. Your hands should touch the ground behind your head. Flex your...

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