8point5 Training

THURSDAY 23-04-20

12 Min AMRAP(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)15 KB/BB Deadlifts5 Burpees10 Ring/TRX or Upright Rows Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional RepsFor the deadlifts if you are using your KB start with it between your feet or a BB at your shin, feet hip width apart.  Make sure the knees are bent, chest is up, arms are straight, and your heels are down in the set up.  Lift the chest and squeeze your butt to stand!  Lower by reaching your butt back and bending your knees while you keep your belly tight and your...

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WEDNESDAY 22-04-20

METCON  FOR TIME  120 Alternating Full SnatchEvery Minute on the Minute do 6 Weighted Sit Ups**No sit ups on first min On "go" start your snatches. At the 1:00 mark, stop and do 6 weighted sit ups then get right back to your snatches until 2:00 when it's time for more weighted sit ups.  Keep going like that until you've completed all 120 snatch reps.ENJOY! 

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TUESDAY 21-04-20

METCON 100 Burpees FOR TIME Must be completed in 1 Min on - 1 Min off Time Cap: 20 mins Complete as many burpees as you can in the first minute, note your total. Rest the next minute and then complete as many burpees as you can in the next minute. As you total up your Burpees and reach 100 - that is your score: TIME. Burpee Sub: No push up burpee to the floor/box/bench by just stepping back or jumping back and then stepping or jumping your feet back in with a small jump. **OR** 100 Burpee Box Jump...

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MONDAY - 20-04-18

LEIGH’S 8point5apparel WOD 8 = 8 rounds of 8 for time!P = Push ups O = Oblique squat thrusts I = Inch worm N = Narrow squatsT = Toe Taps5 = 5 rounds of 5 for time! A = Alternate hand swingsP = Pass KB figure 8 P = Push pressA = Around body KB passR = Russian KB twistsE = Elbow to wrist plankL = Longcycle press   Thanks Leigh! We love it!  ENJOY TEAM! 

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FRIDAY - 17-04-20

METCON 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME 30 Secs Taps 3 Upright Rows 6 Push Ups 9 Squats   Taps can be against a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Plate, Skirting.. jogging on spot ensure your toe touches the object in an alternating fashion.  You can change these for single skips or Double Unders.   For the upright row begin with both hands on the KB or DB’s with your arms locked out straight, lead with the elbows and bring the KB / DB’s up to just below your chin so your elbows finish it and up around the height of your ears. Lower back down...

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