8point5 Training
THURSDAY - 16-04-20
14 Min AMRAP(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible)1 Min Taps10 Single Arm Bent Over Row (Right)10 Single Arm Bent Over Row (Left)10 Push PressScore: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps. Taps can be against a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Plate, Skirting.. jogging on spot ensure your toe touches the object in an alternating fashion. You can change these for single skips or Double Unders. For the single arm bent over rows you will lean over hold a single Dumbbell or Kettlebell in one hand and let it hang from the shoulder, but pull the shoulder back. Then with the...
WEDNESDAY - 15-04-20
METCON 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 20 KB Goblet Squats 40 Alternating Snatch 20 KB Goblet Squats REST 2 MINS BETWEEN ROUNDS MEN: 20kg KB WOMEN: 12kg KB Ensure you keep your chest up in the goblet squats and don’t curl your back. With your feet shoulder width apart keeping your heels digging into the ground and your belly tight bring your butt back and down while driving your knees out. Try to reach depth that your butt is lower then your knees but avoid collapsing at the bottom. Keep the chest up, belly tight and knees out. Drive through...
TUESDAY - 14-04-20
14 MIN AMRAP (As many rounds and reps as possible) 12 Push Ups 12 Alternating Step Ups 12 KB Swings Push ups can be performed from the toes, from the knees or elevated from a surface, counter top, or box. Make sure your elbows go back and that the hands are just wider that the shoulders. Keep your belly tight and avoid snaking or sagging. Go all the way down to touch your chest to the bottom and then come all the way up to the top. For the step ups, make sure your whole foot is on the stop...
MONDAY - 13-04-20
METCON 6 ROUNDS FOR TIME3 Turkish Get Ups Right6 Lateral Over DB/KB Burpees3 Turkish Get Ups Left6 Lateral Over DB/KB Burpees Start on your back. Holding the KB in your right hand, extend your arm straight up in the air. Bend your right knee so your right foot is flat on the floor. Bring your left arm out to the side about 45 degrees. Keep your right arm vertical for the entire movement. Roll onto your left forearm, then up to your left hand. Sweep your left leg under and behind your right leg so some of your weight is on...
SATURDAY 11-04-20
3 ROUNDS FOR REPS 1 min max quarter squat jumps 1 min max jumping lunges (Alt.) 1 min max air squats 1 min max back step lunge 1 min REST Score: Total reps each round. Quarter Squat Jumps, Hinge at the hip, bend at the knees, like a traditional squat you need to make sure to squeeze your butt and push your knees out as you lower down; don't let your knees cave in. Continue down until your knees form a 45-degree angle to the floor and explode into the jump. Jumping Lunges, keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and...