8point5 Training

WEDNESDAY 29-04-20

METCON FOR TIME  5 Rounds24 Alternating Unweighted Step Ups 8 Burpees12 Bent Over Rows ** Bent over rows can be done both arms at the same time or one arm at a time. If single it’s still 12 each side! Score: Total Time For the  step ups you will choose a height that will challenge you, but that you feel comfortable  stepping up and down. Make sure to put your whole foot on the step each time.  Don't allow your knee to cave in and drive out of the heel to stand completely.  Lower under control and switch feet.  Each set of 24 you...

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TUESDAY 28-04-20

METCON FOR TIME  8 ROUNDS  8 Jerks24 Air Squats 8 Jerks if using doubles, 8 each side if using a single bell. (8 left, 8 right).  ENJOY! 

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MONDAY 27-04-20

METCON 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME 1 Min Taps10 Goblet Squat10 PressScore: Total Time Start the clock and perform 1 minute of taps or you can row, do single unders or low step-ups, then 10 goblet squats, and then 10 presses for 10 rounds.For the Goblet Squat hold the weight at your chest.  Feet shoulder width apart with the heels down.  Lift your chest and tighten your belly.  Reach your butt back and down.  Keep your heels down as you drive your knees out.  Ideally you will get your butt lower than your knees at the bottom with heels down, knees out,...

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SATURDAY 25-04-20

STEPH’S WOD METCON FOR TIME 10 Burpees   10 Burpees 20 Push ups   10 Burpees  20 Push ups 30 Lunges   10 Burpees 20 Push ups 30 Lunges 40 Sit ups   10 Burpees 20 Push ups 30 Lunges 40 Sit ups 50 Air Squats    Then back down, completing the WOD again backwards.   Start the clock complete 10 burpees and then straight into 10 burpees and 20 push ups, then 10 burpees and 20 push ups and 30 lunges, then 10 burpees, 20 push ups, 30 lunges and 40 sit ups, then, 10 burpees, 20 push ups,...

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FRIDAY - 24-04-20

3... 2... 1.... GO!  METCON FOR TIME  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Goblet Squat  Burpee over the Bar (bell)  Start the clock and perform 1 goblet squat and 1 burpee over the bell. So that’s a full burpee touching your chest and thighs to the floor on each rep the burpee rep is complete when you jump over the bell and land at the opposite side.  Then complete 2 goblet squats and 2 burpees over the bell. That’s one burpee, jump over the bell, another burpee and jump back over the bell.  Repeat until you are complete 10 goblet squats and 10 burpees over the...

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