8point5 Training

SATURDAY 04-04-20

METCON 2 ROUNDS FOR TIME 40 Burpees 20 Hang Cleans 40 Sit ups 20 Strict Press 40 Jump Squats   For the burpees you can either step or jump back, perform a push up and then step or jump the feet back in and perform a jump with a clap above your head. Burpee Sub: No push up burpee to the floor/box/bench by just stepping back or jumping back and then stepping or jumping your feet back in with a small jump. Hang cleans, either using a set up dumbbells or kettlebell(s) standing straight with the DB’s/KB in your hand(s)...

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FRIDAY - 03-04-20

METCON 8 ROUNDS FOR TIME 1 Min Taps 12 Overhead Press (Strict)   *Double KB’s or Single - 6 each side.   Taps can be against a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Plate, Skirting.. jogging on spot ensure your toe touches the object in an alternating fashion.  You can change these for single skips or Double Unders.  Over head press, use a weight that will allow you to perform these strict for as long as you can.   ENJOY!  

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THURSDAY - 02-04-20

15 MIN AMRAP 12 Step ups 8 Burpees 6 Snatch - Right 6 Snatch - Left   Step ups can be performed on a box or a bench or a step. For the burpees you can either step or jump back, perform a push up and then step or jump the feet back in and perform a jump with a clap above your head. Snatch can be performed with a Kettlebell or Dumbbell, complete 6 reps and change sides.   ENJOY!

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WEDNESDAY - 01-04-20

10 MIN AMRAP 1 Min Taps 12 Goblet Squats to Press 6 Upright Rows   As many rounds and reps as you can in 10 mins. Taps can be against a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Plate, Skirting.. jogging on spot ensure your toe touches the object in an alternating fashion.  You can change these for single skips or Double Unders. Ensure you keep your chest up in the goblet squats and don’t curl your back. With your feet shoulder width apart keeping your heels digging into the ground and your belly tight bring your butt back and down while driving your knees...

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TUESDAY 31-03-20

15 Min AMRAP 10 Step Ups 10 Alt. Lunges 10 KB Swings   As many rounds and reps as you can in 15 mins Step ups can be performed on a box or a bench or a step. Alternate the lunges and your back knee should touch the ground on each rep. Add Dumbbells or 2 lighter Kettlebells to the Step ups and lunges if you like! *If adding weight hold the DB’s/KB’s by your sides with your arms straight on the step ups. You can do the same for the lunges with DB’s and rack if you are using...

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