8point5 Training

FRIDAY - 14-08-20

20 Min AMRAP(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 20 Min)30 Second Row, Single Unders or Taps4 KB Swings6 Push Ups8 Squats Score: Total Rounds and Reps in 20 Mins  30 Secs on the Rower or Single Skips or Taps. Taps can be against a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Plate, Skirting.. jogging on spot ensure your toe touches the object in an alternating fashion.    KB Swings - American or Russian  Push ups can be performed from the toes, from the knees or elevated from a surface, counter top, or box.  Air Squats - For the Air squats, start with your feet...

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THURSDAY - 13-08-20

5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 12 Shoulder Press12 Alternating Snatch20 KB Hop OversRest 30 Seconds after each round. Score: Total Time  Shoulder Press - doubles or BB for 12 reps or 6 each side for single bell. Strict press moving to push press as required. Alternating Snatch.  For the hop overs, stand facing the object and hop over it. Then you will turn around and hop back over the object.   ENJOY! 

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WEDNESDAY - 12-08-20

4 ROUNDS FOR TIME Each round is: 6 Long Cycle Press 6 Burpees 6 Long Cycle Press 6 Burpees Rest 1 Minute Score: Total Time Including Rest Go for doubles if you are feeling it - if not complete 6 LC reps on your right side then complete 6 burpees then 6 LC reps on your left and then 6 Burpees, finally rest 1 minute before completing another round.  Repeat for 4 Rounds. For the burpees - jump or step back the feet perform a push up and then jump or step back in and spring back up into a...

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TUESDAY - 10-08-20

7 ROUNDS FOR TIME  10 KB/BB Deadlifts  15 Air Squats  Score: Total Time  Using a heavy Kettlebell or Barbell perform 10 deadlifts starting with the bell between your feet, hinge at the hips so your chest is over the bell. Keep your heels down and bend the knees, pull your chest up keeping your arms straight and long.  Dig your heels into the ground and squeeze your butt keeping your arms straight. Once you are standing fully, hinge the hips and bend the knees to bring the object back to the ground keeping your chest up and back flat throughout...

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MONDAY - 10-08-20

6 ROUNDS FOR TIME  10 Bent Over Rows 10 Push Up + Tap + Tap 10 Sit Ups  Score: Total Time Completed  Bent over rows, hinge at the hip with your back flat. Hold the KB’s in each hand and let them hang from the shoulder, but pull the shoulder back.  Then with the chest lifted  - pull the weights to your rib cage with your elbows going back. Smooth and Controlled rows focusing on form. For the Push Up + Tap + Tap.  Perform a push up focusing on keeping your elbows in and the belly tight - avoiding...

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