8point5 Training
MONDAY - 03-08-20
5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 1 Min Taps or Step Ups 15 Bent Over Rows 30 Air Squats Score: Total Time For this WOD you will start the clock and complete 1 minute of Taps or step ups, 15 bent over rows and 30 Air squats for a total of 5 Rounds. Taps can be against a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Plate, Skirting.. jogging on spot ensure your toe touches the object in an alternating fashion. Or you can do Step ups. Bent over rows, hinge at the hip with your back flat. Hold the KB’s in each hand and let them hang...
LEIGH'S BIRTHDAY WOD Leigh's Birthday was Monday the 27th and she turned 12!! We'll help he stretch out her celebrations with her WOD today! METCON FOR TIME Buy In: 27 Air Squats 7 Rounds 12 Push Ups 12 Alternating Lunges 12 Mountain Climbers Buy Out: 20 Snatch 12 Burpees Score: Total Time including buy in and buy out. For this WOD you will start the clock and complete the buy in of 27 Air squats, then complete 7 rounds of 12 Push Ups, 12 Alternating Lunges, 12 Mountain Climbers, once your 7 rounds...
FRIDAY - 31-07-20
METCON FOR TIME 4 Rounds 20 KB Swings 20 Goblet Squats 40 Taps Score: Total Time For this WOD you start the clock and complete 20 Swings, 20 Goblet Squats and 40 Taps for 4 rounds. The time you finish is your score. KB Swings. For the Goblet Squat hold the weight at your chest. Feet shoulder width apart with the heels down. Lift your chest and tighten your belly. Reach your butt back and down. Keep your heels down as you drive your knees out. Ideally you will get your butt lower than your knees at the bottom with...
THURSDAY - 30-07-20
5 Rounds1 Min Single Unders Or Taps1 Min Alternating Step Up1 Min KB Swing1 Min Rest Score: Total Reps Step Ups and KB Swings Added together. 1 Min of Single skips with the skipping rope or Taps against the kettlebell. 1 Min of alternating step ups, put your whole foot on whatever you are stepping on. Make sure you don't allow your knee to cave in. Press up off your heel and stand up completely. Lower to the ground and switch feet. 1 Min KB Swings 1 Minute of rest - repeat 4 more times for a total of...
WEDNESDAY- 29-07-20
METCON FOR TIME 5 Rounds5 Inchworms10 Bent Over Row15 KB Swings For the inchworms you will place the hands on the ground in front of the feet. Walk them away from your hands until you are in a plank (top of a push up) position. From here you will perform a push up by either going to your knees, or staying on your toes. Either way make sure that the elbows go back and that the hands are just wider than the shoulders. Keeping your belly tight to avoid snaking. Press back up to the top of the push up, then...