8point5 Training
THURSDAY - 20-08-20
METCON FOR ** QUALITY**6 Minutes30 Second Hollow Hold30 Second Plank Hold30 Second restThis will equal 4 total rounds Score: No score today - just concentrate on form For the hollow hold, lie with your back on the ground, arms overhead and legs straight. Squeeze your belly to press your lower back into the floor as you lift your feet and upper back. Keep your legs engaged by pointing your toes. If your lower back is not staying in contact with the floor, try bending one or both knees and/or lowering your arms to your sides.Plank should be on your toes...
WEDNESDAY - 19-08-20
15 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds And Reps As Possible) 10 Burpees10 Goblet Squats10 Press Score: Total number of completed rounds + any additional reps. For the burpees - jump or step back the feet perform a push up and then jump or step back in and spring back up into a jump with a clap above your head. Ensure your chest and thighs hit the floor on each rep. For the Goblet Squat hold the weight at your chest. Feet shoulder width apart with the heels down. Lift your chest and tighten your belly. Reach your butt back and...
TUESDAY - 18-08-20
METCON FOR TIME 6 ROUNDS24 Air Squats12 Push Ups Score: Total Time Air Squats - For the Air squats, start with your feet shoulder width apart. Ensure you keep your chest high and your heels digging into the ground, move your butt back and down until your butt is lower then your knees, avoid collapsing at the bottom, drive up from the bottom position and stand fully. Push ups can be performed from the toes, from the knees or elevated from a surface, counter top, or box. ENJOY!
MONDAY - 17-08-20
14 Min AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible in 14 Min)1 Min Rowing or Single Unders or Taps1 Min Step Ups So you will complete 7 Rounds TOTAL of each. Score: Total Reps of Step Ups ONLY! Start the clock and complete a full minute of rowing, Single unders or taps and in minute 2 complete as many Step Ups as possible, in Minute 3 back to rowing, single unders or taps and Minute 4 as many step ups as possible. Repeat this until the clock hits 14! ENJOY!
SATURDAY - 15-08-20
METCON FOR TIME 50-35-20 Reps for time of: Double Unders or Single Unders Cleans Sit-ups Score: Total Time For this WOD you will complete 50 DU's or Single Skips, 50 Cleans, 50 Sit-ups and then 35 DU's, 35 Cleans and 35 Sit-ups and then 20 DU's, 20 Cleans, 20 Sit-ups. Double Unders or Single skips with the skipping rope (Low Step ups or pretend you have a rope and skip anyway) Cleans - break these up as you like - pick a decent weight and chip through them. Sit Ups - Start with the soles of your feet together. Your upper back...