8point5 Training

SATURDAY - 08-08-20

EMOM Death by: Every Minute for as long as you can last (Or 20 Mins) Min 1: 6 KB. Deadlifts + 1 Lateral Burpees Over KB Min 2: 6 KB Deadlifts + 2 Lateral Burpees Over KB Min 3: 6 KB Deadlifts + 3 Lateral Burpees Over KB Min 4: 6 KB Deadlifts + 4 Lateral Burpees Over KB Min 5: 6 KB Deadlifts + 5 Lateral Burpees Over KB....... And so on until you either can't make the reps within the minute or the clock hits 20 mins. Always do 6 KB Deadlifts and add one lateral Burpee over...

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FRIDAY - 07-08-20

15 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible) 10 Step Ups 10 Lunges 10 KB Swings Score: Total Rounds and Reps in 15 Mins For the Step ups put your whole foot on whatever you are stepping on.  Make sure you don't allow your knee to cave in.  Press up off your heel and stand up completely.  Lower to the ground before starting the next rep. For the Lunges, you will touch your back knee to the ground, you will take a wide enough step that the front heel stays grounded. Don't allow your knee to cave in. Step...

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THURSDAY - 06-08-20

10 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible) 1 Min Taps, Single Unders or Low Step ups 12 Goblet Squat to Press 6 Upright Rows Score: As Many Rounds and Reps completed when the clock hot 10:00 1 Min of Taps, Single skips with the skipping rope or low step ups. For the Goblet Squat hold the weight at your chest.  Feet shoulder width apart with the heels down.  Lift your chest and tighten your belly.  Reach your butt back and down.  Keep your heels down as you drive your knees out.  Ideally you will get your butt...

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WENDENSDAY - 05-08-20

12 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible) 1 Push Up + Tap + Tap 7 KB Jump Overs 2 Push Up + Tap + Tap 7 KB Jump Overs 3  Push Up + Tap + Tap 7 KB Jump Overs 4 Push Up + Tap + Tap 7 KB Jump Overs 5  Push Up + Tap + Tap And so on until the clock hits 12:00. Score: Total Push Up + Tap + Tap For the Push Up + Tap + Tap.  Perform a push up focusing on keeping your elbows in and the belly tight -...

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TUESDAY - 04-08-20

4 Rounds 20 Snatch 10 Burpees Rest 1 Minute between Rounds Score: Total Time including Rest. For this WOD you will complete 4 rounds of 20 Snatches and 10 Burpees with 1 minute of rest between each round. 20 Snatches you can break these as you wish. For the burpees - jump or step back the feet perform a push up and then jump or step back in and spring back up into a jump with a clap above your head. Ensure your chest and thighs hit the floor on each rep.  ENJOY!  

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